Cheers To You!


Cheers to you, Paul. It’s been 12 years of marriage and 20 years since it all began. Damn it’s been quite the adventure.

With eyes wide open, I was open to anything and everything to come that beautiful fall October day in 1999 and yet I had no idea what kind of adventure we had signed ourselves up for.  

We’ve had exceptional highs and devastating lows.  

Through house purchases and sales, relocations, births of our three children, career milestones and pitfalls, adoptions and losses of family rescue dogs, celebrating old and new friends and memorializing family and friends lost over the years and everything in-between, a stockpile of memories and traditions have been made together.  

Together, we’ve flown through the highs and we’ve trudged through knee-deep shit.  

We’ve done it together, hand in hand, respecting one another and with an amazing sense of humor and understanding for who we were and who we are.  

For better or worse, we’ve persevered and we’ve survived. I’m lucky. If I can be so bold to say… so is Paul.  

May we continue to enjoy an abundance of joy, love and laughter every year to come.  

I can’t think of anyone better to share the good, bad and ugly experiences of life with other than Paul. No one else would’ve found it appropriate to crack a joke when told their spouse had a brain tumor and no one else would have been more perfect to do that.  

As yet another anniversary draws to a close in the waning hours of the day, our children are tucked into their beds, dogs are snuggled at my toes, Sunday night football is playing on the TV and the pot of home-made chili is being put away, I raise my glass to you my love.  

Another extraordinary year and anniversary under our belts.  

Nothing fancy and nothing out of the ordinary.

Simply a day spent just how we like it.

A day spent together as a family, reflecting and looking around at what it is that is so right about our story thus far.   

Happy Anniversary!  

Paul set up and took this photo 12 years ago. It's always been a favorite.

5 thoughts on “Cheers To You!

  1. It’s hard to believe it was 12 years ago that I attended your wonderful wedding. I thought it was the most meaningful and fun wedding I had ever attended. I was honored to be there….everyone who was there was a special friend who personnally wanted to share in your special day and the love you have for one another. Yes, you have both been through a lot and not only have you survived the very tough times, they have made your relationship stronger. You guys ROCK! Best wishes. with love, Suzanne

  2. What a special gift life’s memories can sometimes offer, this is one! I find it hard to believe that 20 years ago when you two first met that your relationship would become such a wonderful, amazing love story. Your incredible love and dedication to one another has not only survived but intensified over the years despite the challenges you have had to face. From having to endure the long distance years apart while you attended colleges half way across the country from one another; weathering the changes and multiple challenges of your respective careers; the wonderful but stressful demands that three children bring to a married relationship; dealing with extended family relationship issues and then add to that the health problems that have transformed your life. Despite all that life has thrown at you your love and commitment to one another has always been and continues to be the wonderful glue that enriches your marriage, friendship and relationship. I so admire the two of you and love you more then words can express.
    Love, Mom

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